
html5 bootstrap template by colorlib.com
html5 bootstrap template by colorlib.com


I'mA Designer


Hello there. I'm Yuni Choi, a designer based in Los Angeles. I like to make things with other fun and creative people. Read more about me, or view some of my recent projects.


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Recent Done Projects


Fonts poster

This is my very first poster I have ever made. This was during the studio design class which I learned the basics of design starting from formal elements to branding. At the session, we covered history and influences of Bauhaus school and I applied some rules of Bauhaus style. Only used lines and San serif fonts, picked blue among the primary colors and used diagonal lines and floating out alphabets to make rhythm. I have two different variations. This is a fonts advertising poster and I fused it with hourglass. Inside of glass there are alphabets instead of sands to be able to show the whole character. I also chose a quite modern font that I thought it’s interesting to see the combination between very recent font and Bauhaus style.

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I made this poster for school project. He is Andy Cruz, one of my favorite type designers, co-founder and art director of House Industries. I got fascinated with eclectic, punky and passionate fonts he has designed. I tried to incorporate punk rock-bands low- fidelity poster feeling into this poster. I found his black and white imagery on AIGA page and thought the contrast between his right and left sides of face and slight evil smile could be a great resource that can make something fun. I distorted fonts a bit to replace half of his face. And mimicked smirk with “Z”. Also I played with doodling horn, ear ring and xxx face tattoo. There are two variations with/without text message bubbles.

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Gustavo Dudamel

This poster is about Gustavo Dudamel who is conductor of LA Phil. I used swiss grid system on this poster and chose black and white imagery of him to not be distracted by colors. Grey and Pink are one of my go-to color palette, it works well when it needs to emphasize some important information also the same time look professional. I put his name in small pink square boxes and placed them unevenly.

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